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Get 10x Richer by Smelling Great

Posted by Macbrame Official on

Get 10x Richer by Smelling Great

You might have heard the expression that you need to look the part to get the part, but what if I told you that that’s not the entire story? You see, though looking great is part of it, there’s another step that people tend to miss; smelling great. Not only does smelling great play a crucial part in determining one’s success, but it’s also the one part that people tend to overlook the most and is the one part that you can take advantage of to get yourself further in life. Let’s break it down.


It gets you more opportunities

When you smell better than the average person, what tends to happen is that people will find you more enjoyable to be around since it’s much more pleasant to be around someone who doesn’t smell horrible. When people find you pleasant to be around, you, in turn, will slowly realize that you’re getting more and more opportunities. This is because when you’re working with someone, it’s much easier to work with someone who you can not only tolerate personally, but it’s also much easier if that person also smells great.


It gives the impression of professionalism

When you dress up to meet someone, it gives the impression that you value their time and effort to come to meet you. Smelling great also does the same part. You see, when you smell great, not only does it mean that you value someone’s time, it also shows that you know how to put yourself together and you know how to take care of yourself. This also gives off the impression of professionalism that you would never have had if you had just gone out and met people before you even shower.


It boosts your confidence

It’s no secret that being confident is often an asset that most people struggle with, something that is especially true when considering the sales industry where you need to go places and meet with different people to pitch your products to them. One of the things that people in the sales business have learned is that, if you smell good, you’ll be more confident in yourself, allowing you to pitch your ideas without having to be insecure about the way you smell. This also works for entrepreneurs who are looking to pitch their ideas to new potential investors. Confidence is not something that you can buy, but it does come pre-packaged into bottles called perfumes.


There’s a reason why perfumes have been around for centuries. Not only can it help you smell better, but it can also help you get further in life. All you need to do is to make sure that you make yourself as presentable as possible, wear the perfume that you enjoy most, and be confident in the things that you do. In addition to that, wearing perfumes will also give off an air of professionalism that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. So make sure you look your best and smell your best, and you’ll start to realize that you’re getting further in life.

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