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10x Your Profits Without Spending More

Posted by Macbrame Official on

10x Your Profits Without Spending More

Have you ever looked at your sales numbers at the end of a calendar year and wondered if there’s a quick and easy way for you to increase your sales numbers without having to resort to witchcraft and wizardry? Well, there’s a few. You see, since the advent of social media, and social media advertising, consequently, it’s now much easier than ever to sell more products than you could in the past. Let’s break it down


Be bold

Nothing’s worse than seeing an ad for a perfume that lasts for over 15 minutes on social media when all it really needs was 1 minute at most. This is why it’s great for companies to get straight to the point and directly convey the message that they are trying to get across to the consumer. Not only will doing this make it much cheaper for your advertising budget since you won’t have to pay as much for a 1-minute ad than you do for a 15-minute ad, but you’ll find that your customers will tend to pay more attention to it since it doesn’t take as long and is, therefore, not a waste.


Be daring

Still in the realm of retaining audience attention in an ad, though the traditional formula of sticking to glamorous forms of adverts seem to have worked well and is the safer thing to do, going out of the box and looking at advertisements differently will do wonders for your sales numbers. For one thing, you will attract a unique set of customers when you take risks in your advertisements, especially if you can make your advertisements funny. Nothing is off-limits, just make sure that it comes across as humorous, and not offensive.


Give out discounts

No company likes discounts, it digs into their bottom line and may not always have the same attraction that the company had hoped for it in the first place. This should not deter you from handing out discounts, however, since customers will always appreciate the fact that their favorite perfume brand is giving them discounts to help them gain access to some of their more desirable products. This also works very well when combined with digital advertising. Doing this not only will get you higher sales numbers but if you set it up correctly, you’ll also end up collecting leads for re-targeting on your next advertising campaign.


Show appreciation

Customers need to be celebrated since they’re the literal lifeblood of your company. This is why it’s generally always a good idea to make sure that they feel appreciated. You can do this by doing something as simple as posting some user-generated content on our social media page to show them that you’ve heard their voices and are appreciative of their creativity. Not only will this help provide some social proof in the long run, but will also grow brand loyalty as your customers feel that your brand is a brand that they can trust, identify with, and come back to whenever they’re looking for great products.

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